security have received renewed

Through the Three Seas Initiative, jointly backed by both the EU and the United States, enhancing north-south energy connections and bolstering energy security have received renewed attention and funding. Despite this renewed interest, the Baltic states are prepared for potential Russian retaliation. In the event of an emergency or a disruption in

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pro-Russia narratives in Africa

ECOWAS imposed sanctions on the three states in response to their coups, prompting their decision to withdraw from the regional bloc Africa is a key strategic target in Russia’s information war. The aim is to shape and amplify narratives to gain influence and access to resources, Russia’s critics say. Building on the foundations laid by the lat

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It remains to be seen whether

It remains to be seen whether the new government will yield to temptations of economic expedience by easing pathways for Chinese investments and securing immediate financial gains but risking strategic and ethical repercussions. A utilitarian approach that prioritises the maximisation of collective well-being through boosted economic growth would a

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A glaring omission in the 2024

A glaring omission in the 2024 UK general election was a minimal focus on foreign policy, especially China — a critical factor in national and global stability. As the United Kingdom mires in domestic adversities including record National Health Service waiting times, prisons bursting at their seams and the highest tax burden in 70 years, the lac

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Moscow has already slashed

Moscow has already slashed funding for expanding geological research and the transportation network since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, not only in the north and the Far East but across the country. The estimates of one Moscow expert demonstrate just how deep these cuts have been. They show that while 10 percent

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